Heroes & Villians Day

Learning Areas

English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, the Arts, Physical Education and Health, Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE), Language other than English (German)

Specialty Programs

Art, Music and Drama, Library, Bridging the Gap, Reading Recovery, Life Education, Swimming, Physical Education, Extension and Enrichment, Environmental Science

Welcome to Somers Primary School

Somers Primary School provides a comprehensive education in a warm and friendly environment. The rural setting provides an ideal place for children to grow and learn to be the best they can be. We focus on the provision of programs which build the children’s academic, social and life skills. Details on our comprehensive range of programs can be found on the Curriculum pages.

Programs are provided to support students experiencing difficulty, and also to extend those who need additional challenges. Additional programs are provided to challenge students such as the lunchtime Horizons, Auslan and Debating. Physical activity is given a high value, with before and after school programs to complement the Physical Education and Sports program. The Visual Arts are also a feature of the school and the annual Somers Arts Fair is an important aspect of school life. We also support Performing Arts through a lunchtime Music Program. Science is also a feature of the school, with a program operating from Prep to Year 6.

Key Values

Respect is the key value of Somers Primary School. Children are encouraged to place a high price on themselves, but also to respect others. Adults model the school values by creating a caring environment where children are cherished. Older children are encouraged to assist and demonstrate care for younger children. Play is not restricted with children being able to play anywhere in the school ground. Leadership is encouraged with school leaders taking effective control of elements of the school’s operation including the Environment, the Debating program. Children are encouraged to participate in the community by joining local clubs, CFA and also raising funds to support local, national and international causes. These include planting areas of the foreshore with the Foreshore Committee, raising funds for a community defibrillator, and supporting a child through World Vision.


The School sits in an excellent garden setting which provides a whole range of spaces for children to engage in physical activities, quiet games and creative play. There is a new state of the art building which provides an excellent modern learning environment. The older buildings have been recently refurbished inside to provide the best possible learning environment. This includes the provision of interactive white boards. The school operates a garden where children learn to value the environment. Children participate in an Aquaponics program, a worm farm, water savings and monitor the amount of electricity generated by solar panes located on the school roof.

The School operates an Out of School Hours Care Program which provides support to working parents who need to leave for work early or return late.

Parents are encouraged to actively participate in their children’s education by assisting in classrooms, in out of hours programs and through School Council. The ideas and views of parents are most welcome and contribute to future development of the school.


David Ingham


Medical Administration

If your child needs medication to be administered at school, please fill in the form accompanied with the medication.

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